Sunday, January 26, 2020

Networked Game Issues

Networked Game Issues Network Issues and how they affect gameplay and interactivity A network is when two or more computers have a digital connection between them, particular in networked multiplayer games the players are physically separated from each other. Networks allow users clients to communicate by sending bits of data through the internet of the form of packets, these will then build on top of the internet protocol, and this in terms means that if a packet sent using UDP or TCP a specific IP address then receives the packet. (Armitage, Claypool and Branch, 2006) Unlike networking in this day and age games such as Doom was played through a LAN connection (Local Area Network) which at the time used an IPX protocol. An IPX protocol doesnt require a constant connection between the exchanges of packets.[o1] Appendix [a1] displays the required layers of hardware and software that Doom required to be run across a network. The Topologies that Doom used for LAN connection, the figure on left in appendix [a2] is an Ethernet connection that has computers connected to it acting as peers and the figure on the right also in appendix [a2] is similar to the left figure. All players received a message every 35th of a second that recorded all the players inputs across peer-to-peer network. (Armitage, Claypool and Branch, 2006) Packets are carried all over the internet using networks(Armitage, Claypool and Branch, 2006), the time it takes to send a packet of data from a source to its destination is latency, as standard latency will below 150ms (milliseconds) and wont go above 150ms. A packet must then travel back to the source which results in a round trip time which can take twice as long as the latency i.e. 50ms latency 100ms round trip time. The game world of warcraft consists of two latencies a home and a world latency, home is the connection to the realm server which can include in game chat data, world refers to the world of warcraft servers this in term transmit all other data i.e. combat, nearby players (even if they are not on a users screen and NPCs. The latency will increase greatly when visiting highly populated areas because so much data is being transmitted. In online games there are many common issues that will cause high ping and latency these could involve wireless issues, packet loss, down load speed, firewalls, routers that arent configured correctly i.e. closed ports, QoS and Traffic management where packet queuing is being performed and net link saturation (an issue caused by a users ISP that causes connection issues between a users client and a game server). Congestion is usually the main source of packet jitter, depending if the network has been provisioned correctly congestion can occur at the router interface, in a provider or a carrier network. A User has access to the router, therefore it is the easiest and best place to start in determining jitter at the router end; to track down the source of the jitter depends entirely on the encapsulation.[o2] (Ankit, 2012)Latency in online multiplayer games can change due to jitter where different paths are chosen constantly during streams of traffic. While online gaming a high speed internet connection is recommended to avoid jitter preferably using an Ethernet cable to reduce latency because it is almost immune to interference. Packet Loss usually has four main causes that will occur these are congestion, device performance, software issues on a device, faulty hardware[o3]; the first one being link congestion is when a users data needs to be transferred across many devices and links, a link can be at full capacity when the data arrives at must wait before being sent also called queuing. A network device may start to discard information when it doesnt have enough room for data to queue, information being discarded will most likely never be noticed by the user, many applications can easily discard information and still easily handle data queuing. A users router may not be able to keep up with the traffic that is being transferred; this could be due to a switch, firewall or closed ports. Opening ports on a router allows a networked device connected to the router accessible from outside of the local network i.e. other computers and network devices, this benefits gaming greatly where other players can send and receive data with hardly any interference, usually if a port is closed for a certain game a users gaming experience will suffer. Apparently a routers firmware can cause packet loss during gaming according to Netgear community forum, a user was experiencing severe packet loss across many games and after trying altering game settings, router settings and calling his ISP provider multiple times ended up calling Netgear where they recommended using an older firmware on his router and solved his packet loss problem. [o4] Software on a networked device can cause packet loss if the software hasnt been configured correctly, these bugs can usually be found using a system log or troubleshooting. While software can cause issues so can faulty hardware and cabling resulting in more packet loss, Bandwidth is measured in bits per second, modern day network devices can possibly support up to billions of bits worth of data rates. Slow internet connection is a common cause of low bandwidth, this can be insufficient bandwidth provided by an ISP. In normal terms bandwidth is when a connection has a limited amount of data that can be transferred. Not only does a slow internet connection cause low bandwidth but there are other causes that can happen within a house hold i.e. streaming videos on demand via Netflix or any other on demand provider, downloading files from the internet or in the context of games that require numerous large updates; while these can affect the bandwidth any user that has a home security system which needs a constant stream of data i.e. security footage will also cause bandwidth issues. [5]To avoid bottlenecking for users on the same network the above issues should only be performed when network traffic is low. (Smed, Kaukoranta and Hakonen, 2002) Although t here are ways to try and prevent bandwidth issues, packet aggregations is used to combine many packets being transferred together in to one larger packet in order to reduce the bandwidth requirements. Depending on the size of the data in the original packets, the packet headers size and how many combined packets there are bandwidth savings can be substantial. The number of combined packets can be determined with two different methods timeout-based method and quorum-based method; for timeout-based method before a fixed interval all packets are originated and then become one. An upper bound interval is guaranteed due to the aggregation thanks to this method. The worst thing that can happen with this method is no bandwidth savings are achieved. A certain number of packets are always combined in the quorum method, the number is usually fixed. The transmission delay is not guaranteed because the method is postponed until enough packets have been initiated. The users experience can suffer because of the extended delays in transmission. Both methods have limitations but can each be compensated for when combined (Smed, Kaukoranta and Hakonen, 2002). Internet download speed has always been somewhat of an issue in online gaming where some players can have a slight disadvantage over others, for example Call of Duty 4 selected a Host player at the start of each match if the player had a slow connection all other players were affected except the host thus the term host advantage was given. The graph in appendix [a3] displays the average connection and average peak connection in megabits per second across the globe for 2015. From the data we can gather that Singapore has the highest peak connection speed compared to the United Kingdom is less than half of the peak connection. Singapore may have the highest peak connection but the average connection is dominated by South Korea, their internet connection is years ahead of most of countries some not far behind. Again in 2015 the United Kingdom has almost half the speed of South Korea thus leading us to believe that South Korea is a nation of exceptional gamers thanks to their powerful intent connection. The above graph in appendix [a4] displays the average internet connection for the UK in megabits between March 2013 and March 2016. In those 3 years we can see from the data that the connection speed has more than doubled which gives us an insight that in the next 3 years the average connection speed could double again. MMO Development Discussion and Algorithmic Techniques to Support Scalability There are several things we need to take into account when converting our game to an MMO: Scalability Performance Security The client needs to communicate with the sever using the game protocol to update the status of other clients at the same time within the virtual game environment; things updated include position, health and client name (Yoon and Ng, 2011). First we would need to create a database and link in up to the game sever so that players can register, theres no need for character creation because each client is assigned a character however they could have an avatar name. The name they enter would then need to be checked if it exists within the database using a for each loop to determine if it does then prompt the player to try a new name. Once registered, a player can login in using their credentials i.e. username and password and again that would be checked in the database using a for each loop. An overall translucent text box can be used for chat between players; this could update on the server side and be sent to all clients. A client enders a message sends it to the server and sends it back to all clients. Another thing that could be included is a friends list that would save a players username in a clients friends list only if both clients come to an agreement. We could then introduce an instant message option that would appear in a clients chat box that would be rendered a different colour from normal chat if sent from a friend. See appendix [a5] to see how the game would handle and request information that would be between client and game server. To allow scalability we need to distribute servers onto multiple physical severs, a certain number of gaming severs would be distributed onto physical servers, a gaming server would then handle many more connected players than a physical server, if too many players are on a game server the performance will decrease and render the game unplayable, performance will depend the processing power of the servers and the available bandwidth. [o5] For security we would use encryption, this is so 3rd parties cant view data, both parties are who they say they are i.e. client and server and the data hasnt been modified. We should assume that a user or an attacker can view information that has been sent to the client so the server shouldnt send information that the user should not be able to see i.e. user credentials, client shouldnt really be relied upon for security because an attacker can send pretty much any command they want to a user.[o6] The server should handle pretty much all validation and error checks etc., the client should basically just send a message that they are attacking with a certain item so the sever knows to calculate a certain dps (damage per second). Encryption will not work on someone that uses a bot or deterministic movement to send commands to the server, for example using a seeded random number generator will give the same results over and over again which can be extremely good for grinding a quest or a different seeded number generator for say combat where random attacks are used when they are available. Appendix [a1]Figure was taken from (Armitage, Claypool and Branch, 2006) paper on Networking and Online Games. [a2] Figure was taken from (Armitage, Claypool and Branch, 2006) paper on Networking and Online Games. [a3] Data taken from and entered into an excel spreadsheet to produce the graph [a4] Data taken from (Jackson, 2016) and entered into a spreadsheet to produce the graph [a5] (Yoon and Ng, 2011) References [1]Armitage, G., Claypool, M. and Branch, P., 2006. Networking and online games: understanding and engineering multiplayer Internet games. John Wiley Sons [2] Jackson, M. (2016). Ofcom 2016 Report Average UK Home Broadband Speeds Reach 28.9Mbps ISPreview UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2017]. [4] Smed, J., Kaukoranta, T. and Hakonen, H., 2002. A review on networking and multiplayer computer games (pp. 1-5). Turku Centre for Computer Science. [5] (2015). Low Bandwidth Means Slow Network Performance Packetworks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2017]. [6] Ankit. (2012). What are causes of Jitter in gaming and how to find and deal with it. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2017]. [7] Yoon, I. and Ng, G., 2011. Developing a MMORPG game in One Semester. In The 2011 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. [o1] [o2] [o3] [o4] [o5] [o6]

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Choose the Right Path in Life Essay

Damion Booker is a 6’5 point guard from Rialto, California that is supposedly the best point guard since Magic Johnson. Magic Johnson was an incredible athlete he was versatile, had basketball IQ, he averaged a double double, and most of all a leader on the court. Damion Booker followed those same exact aspects. Damion Booker was the first round draft pick and was drafted to Los Angles Hokies and previously went to Rialto State University (RSU). Damion Booker majored in Business and had a GPA of 3.9. Not only did he have great athleticism and skill, he was intelligent. He made honor roll every year and challenged himself more and more. Every teacher loved him and was very popular around campus. He was also involved in many activities such as karate, played piano, and volunteered at a senior citizen home a couple of hours every summer break. While being involved in many activities he met a guy named Elijah Hearth. Elijah Hearth was a good friend, but also a troublemaker. In addition, while Damion Booker was hanging out with his friend Elijah Hearth he met a new agent and felt he was fit for the job. His first agent was unreliable and not trustworthy. A few days later Damion Booker got a call saying there was an NBA Lockout while at home. His agent said he didn’t have an idea when the new season was going to begin. He was very shocked and heartbroken, He couldn’t believe it. Damion Booker had to find some way to make money so he decided to own a business that he’s been attempting since he was a senior in college. Damion Booker was bored so he became more involved. A few weeks later his resteraunt opened it was named Damion Booker Palace. He made big bucks and had a lot of money. As a result, he became very cocky in everything he did. It took a lot of his time to owning that restaurant. He took time away from basketball to put in work to own the Palace. He had earned money twice as fast as regular people who started their business. For most people it takes years to own a business, but for Damion Booker it took him a month. The background behind that was that he made this special sauce that attracted people all over the world. Damion Booker made a tasty, scrumptious sauce that was called the Damion Cold Killer Pasta Sauce. It was supposedly the best sauce nationwide and it’s the bestseller at Damion Palace. It attracted wild, bizarre eaters like Andrew Zimmern. The pasta sauce was so good Andrew Zimmern said it was the best pasta he ever tasted. As a result, to the Cold Killer Pasta Sauce it did have a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient was this famous pepper that came from Peruvia. It was called the Peruvian Puff Pepper. The Puff Pepper had this special flavor that made ingredients spicier and more flavorful. The sauce also had extra amounts of salt and other excessive ingredient but the extra salt and the puff peppers are the ones that made the sauce taste better and more addicting. The sauce became so addicting that it made skinny people fat and the fat people become fatter. The sauce is sort of in comparison to a big mac from McDonald’s. Lots of people bought it and it was very addicting. The Puff Pepper had a special element that made you beg for more and more. Damions Palace put many businesses on bankrupt because of how good their specialty was. The only business that remained standing were McDonald’s, Jack in the Box, Carls Jr, Taco Bell, Applebee’s, Panda Express, and Denny’s but th ey were losing the average customers because Damion Palace was taking over because of their special pasta sauce. They were also losing money to in which that was a bad thing and tried putting more advertisements onto TV commercials, radios, billboards, and blimps. People didn’t care to much about the advertisement of TV commercials, blimps, billboards, and radios all the people cared about was Damions Palace and their special pasta sauce. Damion Booker came up with the idea on one boring weekend and decided to cook. All of a sudden, he came up with making pasta sauce because that was his mother’s favorite thing to eat while she was young and she would make it on special occasions. He went into his cabinet and pulled things such seasonings such as salt and pepper, and all kinds of sauces that his mom had stored. Then, Damion pulled out a bowl and started mixing a concoction. He tasted a couple of mixes and didn’t like them to well. After a couple of more mixes he tasted a delightful sauce that he believed tasted quite amusing. They didn’t have much because they Damion’s mom didn’t make much money. They weren’t poor but they weren’t fortunate. After tasting the sauce he knew he was going to become successful in the future. While doing this he realized he needed a backup plan for when the NBA comes out of its lockout. His backup was to have his brother take over Damion Palace when the NBA lockout ends. By the time Damion got settled to being a business owner the lockout had ended and it was time for Damion to start basketball again. The first couple of weeks the Palace ran very smoothly. At one point they had more customers than ever recorded. Damion was getting settled with basketball and his brother was taking over the best restaurant in the nation. Life couldn’t get any better for the Booker family! As life ran smoothly they became extremely arrogant until a fire burned down the Palace. Damion was gloomy and felt like a complete failure, but still confident. Although the palace burned down, Damion didn’t know the place was burned down until the all-star break he checked in and called his brother to ask how the restaurant was running. Damion brother told him the place got burned down. Damion was furious! Damion’s Brother didn’t want to interfere with Damion’s basketball career. Their relationship was corrupted and didn’t talk to one another for a long time. They constantly would argue and have many quarrelsome disagreements. When The Bookers lost their restaurant, they became unfortunate again and were very depressed. Their family began to go on corners and beg for money for a living but not for very long. They were going through some tough times but they always overcome the tough situations. By the time the Bookers started making more money Damion had started preseason basketball with the Los Angles Hokies. He was a star on his team like the whole world already suspected. To modern times Damion Booker came to the NBA similar to Kyrie Irving. Kyrie Irving was a first round draft pick and immediately became a star in the NBA. Life became good for Damion Booker again he was getting fame and publicity. He was getting so much fame and publicity that he acted as if he forgot that his own restaurant got burned down and started treating his family very well. He started to be in magazines, commercials, and on the internet. Damion Booker became the face of basketball and more importantly the face of Rookies. Overtime Damion Booker became cocky bad things begin to happened to him again. Damion booker was going for a slam dunk on a fast break and hurt his ankle. He was on the ground for 10 minutes and couldn’t get up. He felt paralyzed and the medical staff had to pick Damion up & put him on a stretcher. The next day he went to the doctor and they told him he had a ruptured Achilles tendon and that he will never be able to play basketball again. Damion Booker was upset because basketball was his life and if you took basketball away from him it was like taking his life away. Basketball was his Life! He played it almost every day and whenever he had the time. On the offseason of when Damion was in college he would always go to the park and have pickup games. He would dominate and win almost every single game. Damion didn’t want to listen to the doctors. He refused to listen to anything they said. Damion was going to come back and play in the NBA regardless if they said he could or couldn’t. The network technician believed that he was going to be out for his career and so did the whole world. Unbelievably Two months later, Damion stepped on the court and the nation was shocked. It was a remarkable return and on his debut from returning he had twenty- two points, six assists, and five rebounds. People knew this kid was special because nobody had ever recovered from a ruptured Achilles tendon and also because of how fast he recovered from his injury. Later, he got rookie of the year and averaged 18 points a game and became cocky again. In Addition, to Damion getting cocky after he won rookie of the year he began to get caught and this time he was messed up for life. He started getting influenced by his friends and thinking he was better than everyone in the world. That same night he won rookie of the year Damion went out partying with his friend. There was drugs and alcohol that he got into that just completely messed up his mindset. He started missing several practices, get to the team room late, disrespect the coaches, and many other things that got him into some trouble. Also, his numbers dropped, and appeared always tired. Instead of Damion averaging 18 points a game coming from the injury he averaged about 8 points a game. As he kept doing these actions they noticed a drastic change and ordered Damion to take a drug test. A couple days later the team got the results and he failed the drug test. After they got the results the Hokies released him to free agency and no other team wanted him. He realized he made a mistake and started to feel depressed. As a result, he got kicked out of the NBA and felt so lost he committed suicide.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The True Story About Unique Topics for Essay That the Experts Dont Want You to Know

The True Story About Unique Topics for Essay That the Experts Don't Want You to Know The Fight Against Unique Topics for Essay At any time you catch yourself feeling captivated by a person's essay or article, take a close look at it. Getting creative and descriptive can occasionally be a challenge. Therefore, essay topic is just one of the significant elements that each caring student should place a lot of emphasis on. The Debate Over Unique Topics for Essay After you select the subject or topic you'd like to compose about, do the research that's required to compose the essay. Should you need some help to locate a very good topic for your expository essay assignment, you can utilize Essentially, informative essay is about explaining a topic with fantastic detail. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Probably there are different elements to consider in order to decide who an intelligent student actually is. As a college student, you're very likely to be requested to compose essays in a wide range of fashions. There are several persuasive essay topics to pick from to finish your high school or college assignment. If you are searching for college essay examples, here's a great one below. Always think deeply about the way to create an excellent essay structure it's a significant part academic writing. Your thesis ought to be relevant so the write-up can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. Like every assignment, a descriptive essay has a particular function. Each expository essay is likely to have definite objective. Essay writing isn't ever an easy job. Nowadays it is quite difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. While the job of writing essays in colleges can be extremely tough and hectic, it's an incredibly interesting one. For some, it's a very straightforward process of sitting down at their computers and commenc e writing. The Battle Over Unique Topics for Essay and How to Win It To start with, it's the should possess profound understanding of the topic under discussion. The down side of experiencing a topic handed to you is that you're rather fixed in your range of coverage. To begin with, you should choose the topic from the descriptive speech topics you are going to be interested in. Learn which of the topics, you presently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't tricky to discover. The subsequent 30 questions are debatable and will need to be studied thoroughly. With our assistance, you're guaranteed of finding original and fresh tips for your essays. There are an assortment of special topics which you will have the ability to pick from when it has to do with creating a narrative essay. The Battle Over Unique Topics for Essay and How to Win It It's always difficult to figure out a distinctive essay topic especially when you're writing an argumentative essay. Do you would rather buy an essay from a dependable firm. When you want to cover essay, we're here to be able to make privatewriting sure you find the best customized essay out there. What's more, you may rest assured you will be supplied a plagiarism-free essay. Whether you should get a research essay another type of custom essay, we're here as a way to assist. The thesis provides you with a guideline on the best way to go about with writing the essay. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. To compose an outstanding essay, it's crucial to use specific academic language. Overall, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. The reader ought to take the author's side by the close of the reading. The more an author is concerned about the subject, the more chances it must succeed. The main aim of description essay is to describe something, be it an individual, a circumstance or merely something you wish to tell people about. Whatever the case, it's always a better idea to work with a topic that is very close to you and that you get a genuine interest in, instead of just picking a random topic. The topic influences everything else you must do, and can completely al ter the angle and range of your whole paper. Certainly, it can be rather challenging to produce a strong opinion topic without making it too complicated. A Startling Fact about Unique Topics for Essay Uncovered In any case, writing on research paper topics which do not interest you in any way can be quite so tough. The topic is easily the most logical place to get started writing your research paper. Instead, you may just down with a slice of paper and pencil and get started asking questions on the ideas which were presented to you in class.